How to convert traffic into money? this is one of the most popular questions asked everywhere (in blogs, forums, social media, by email ...), so in this post I will try to give you some innovative ideas to transform traffic into money using your blog.Nb: To use this way you must have traffics, visitors in your blog so get your time in collecting some readers and fans (you can add this post to your favorite until you're ready).
- Use Pop up windows
Pop up windows are like an ads or offer that appear clearly for your visitors. The idea here is to use these pop up windows to attract the attention of your visitors for something like a free eBook if they join your email newsletter or ask them to like your facebook page/follow you in twitter ..., or you can make the free eBook appear for the first time visitors and the facebook like window appear for the returning visitors.
Also you can Add some offers like Giveaways or promoting an affiliate product [Affiliate Marketing]
- Advertising Programs
- Create Your Own Product
If you're serious and you have some money and traffic (in your blog) you can create your own product (an eBook, videos, tutorials ...), and if you have a big number of visitors you're very lucky because you will make an amazing income in selling your product.
- Add Your Product To An Affiliate Program
Do you know what does mean making money while sleep?, it mean you will create a product then add it to an affiliate program (or many programs), But if we change the words it will become you will create a product then give it to someone to sell it in your place while you sleep.
- Uploading Files
It's the first time I talk about this way in Netisia Blogging, How To Make Money Uploading Files ? It's one of the simplest and easiest way to make money online using traffic or not.
So to make money uploading files you can create a blog about files download then upload software,photos... using one of uploading services that give you money by downloads like hulkload,duckload... .
These servers pay by 1000 downloads, and for that you can share your link in forums, blogs,social media ... it's very easy to get 1000 download in 1 day.
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