jeudi 19 décembre 2013

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4 Blogging Skills You Should Know

4 Blogging Skills You Should Know
Many peoples asks me about the skills I use in blogging and what are the secrets about any successful blog, but the reality there is no secret to make a popular blog just there are some tricks and skills.

1- Sociability

This first skill can be the most important because no blog and no project can continue without sociability. If no one know your blog you can say that you waste your time and efforts, because blogging is based on getting more visitors,more traffic and more backlinks, if you get these 3 components you pass the hardest step in blogging.
In blogging you make the most of your efforts in the beginning by trying to get the 3 past components after that, you will get one of these two results:

  • Positive Result: You know you succeed when you see the number of visitors increase while you sleep and even if you don't write or share anything on the blog, so here you pass to the step number 3 (the easiest, the best and the funniest step in any blogger life) in this step you can decrease the number of daily hours in blogging, and you can choose between getting more backlinks everyday or at any time you want. That's mean less working with the same results and the same amount of Money.
  • Negative Result: Most of bloggers hate blogging in this step, after all the effort, after all these days, after all these posts and topics you discover that you get the second result. But wait you're not alone because this result face 99% of bloggers and just 3% of them continue in blogging to reach the success, and if you search who are these peoples you will find them in the top of best bloggers in the world and their blogs are in the list of the best blogs in the world.
continue bloggingSo the choice is for you "All The Ways Lead To Success".

2- Continuity 

If you stop blogging before the 3rd step, i will say that you don't live the dot com lifestyle yet, because you give up before living the fun. Yes the fun come after the success and the success is cashed in the 3rd step.
So the second skill you should know is to continue blogging until you succeed and always remember these Words: "If you don't succeed in the first 3 months you will succeed in the second 3 months, if not you will succeed after one year, if not you must change you plans".

3- Planning

Even if your plans are not on papers you should plan in your head, that's mean you should know what are you doing and what's next.
The most of bloggers know this skill but they don't use it because they think that it's not necessary, so if you're one of these bloggers don't expect to succeed and make a good income from your blog quickly you should be patient and very patient.
If you have a good plan you will pass between blogging levels faster than who don't.

4- Building Relations

I see many amazing relations online between bloggers and their readers, sometimes they are like friends or brothers. The relations build confidence between the blogger and his visitors so they will become faithful visitors. And finally you will get FREE returning visitors who like all your posts, write comments on your facebook page, share your links with their friends for free and the most important is encouraging you.
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