samedi 21 décembre 2013

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You're Not Eligible To Create An Adsense Account ? See Why And How To Solve It

You're Not Eligible To Create An Adsense Account ? See Why
Since 3 days i'm trying to create an account in google adsense but when i choose my country, my address... it appear a red sentence which tell me that's i'm not eligible to participate in google adsense and i must read the "Adsense Policy" and the name of my country become red.
So what i do ? first of all i read all the adsense policies, but i didn't found any reason why adsense refuse to create my account.
Nb: I'm less than 18 years old.

I keep trying and searching in google, and in the other forums but i didn't found anything. But then i remember that one of the most important policies that you should be more than 18 years old.
The solution: If google keep saying that you're not eligible to participate in google adsense so you should try these solutions:
  •  Does you website/blog has an enough content?: don't expect that adsense will accept your blog with just 1 or 2 posts, try to write at least 5 to 10 posts before you add adsense to your content.
  • Wait at least 2 or 3 weeks before applying to adsense: if you apply adsense in your blog from the first day, they will refuse your application and tell you that you need to wait 6 months (i apply adsense in my blog after 1 week and i'm still waiting if they will accept it or not).
  • Does your blog comply with adsense policies?: before you think to add adsense to your blog open the adsense policies page and read it carefully so you take a more chance to get approved from the first time by solving the problems which don't comply with their policies.
  • Are you at least 18 years old?: and this is the essential reason why it appear that you're not eligible to participate in google adsense, so if you're under 18 you can use your parents email or create another email with another birth-date :p. 

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